One last image of my session with Ambra !
This session with Ambra was for me more than just a test-shoot. While working on this series, I remembered the shoot and started to ask myself many questions. What went great and what didn’t ? Why ? What can I do next time to make the shoot better ? what did I like most ? Why ? and many other questions pop-up in my head, again and again and again !!!
That’s why this Session was so particular, all the work around this shoot, all the preparation, production & creation allowed me to reflect on myself. This reflection helped me realize a little bit what my style is. This is just a beginning, I’m only starting to see this style that can be mine… and it’s so exciting, and also rewarding to see it taking form…
This personal growth could only be possible thanks to the team that was there !!! and for that, it’s from the bottom of my heart that I say to you girls : THANK YOU !!!
Now, all I have to do is to define this style, to work on it, make it grow and share it !
Ahhh Can’t wait for the next shoot !!!